Exit Re-entry Visas cannot be converted into Final Exit

Saudi Arabia Visa Passport

Jawazat in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has announced that exit & re-entry visas will not be converted into a final exit visa if the expatriate of resident is outside the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Also Read: Saudi Arabia Approves Law to Protect Personal Data

Residents cannot change re-entry visas to exit-only while abroad

As per the sources, Jawazat said that people who have left the Kingdom on Exit & Re-Entry visas and didn’t return to Saudi Arabia or failed to return before the expiry date of Visa will be barred or banned from entering the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for a period of three years.

However, there will be exemptions for Expats in the case of dependents as well as people who have obtained a new visa from their previous employer.

The Jawazat has stated that the validity period of the Exit & Re-Entry visa is calculated from the date of exit from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

The sources said domestic workers who have failed to return to the Saudi Arabia will be automatically removed from the Jawazat’s Absher system, 6 months after the expiry of the validity of their exit & Re-Entry visa.

They will be removed from the system 30 days after the expiry of the visa if their failure to return is communicated through the “Tawasul” messaging and requests service on the Absher platform for electronic services.

The notification sent to Jawazat about a domestic worker’s absence from work can be canceled within 15 days from the date of the notification through the “Tawasul” service on Absher, the sources added.

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