Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia announced Holidays for National Day 2023

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announced the National Day 2023 holiday.

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Saudi Arabia’s National Day: Holiday for public, private sectors announced

The official spokesman for the HRSD ministry, Saad Al Hammad, announced that Saturday, September 23, 2023, will be off day from work for all sectors, including public, private, and non-profit, in commemorating the Kingdom’s 93rd National Day.

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The ministry’s decision is based on Article (24) of the Executive Regulations of the Labor Law, and in accordance with Paragraph (B) of Article (127) and Article (128) of the Executive Regulations for Human Resources.

Saudi Arabia commemorates National Day every year of September 23 to mark the unification of the Kingdom, by a royal decree from King Abdul Aziz in 1932.

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